Harwyn: The Future of Multipurpose Spaces

Blending Architecture with Nature in a Luxurious, Homey Pod

Harwyn, a design team led by Selwyn Blackstone and Jason Fremder, has created a unique multipurpose space that combines luxury, comfort, and a seamless integration with nature. This innovative design, inspired by the need for a quiet workspace at home, has been recognized with a Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2016.

The Harwyn Pod is a premium permanent structure that can easily be relocated at any time. The design was born out of necessity when Fremder needed a quiet place to work after the birth of his first daughter. The choice was between renting an office or creating a permanent structure that could be manufactured off-site. This led to the creation of the Harwyn Pod, a space that bends to the needs of the user while exuding luxury and opulence.

What sets the Harwyn Pod apart is its ability to blend architecture with nature. The use of PIR panels for all walls, floor, and roof, maximizes insulation, reducing the need for excessive heating and cooling. The combination of PIR and ACM cladding acts as a double barrier against weather, solar radiation, and noise. A steel base and portal combine with the PIR panels to form a rigid unit that suffers no twist or movement in transport.

The Harwyn Pod is not just a structure; it's a space that adapts to the user. A drummer sees it as the ultimate drum room, providing a creative space to explore their art form. A school principal sees it as the ultimate flexible meeting space. The interaction with a Harwyn Pod is always determined by the user, making it a truly versatile space.

The project was first conceived in December 2012, with the prototype sketched in February 2013. Production commenced in June 2013, and the first Harwyn Pod was installed for a client in July 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. The design process required thinking outside the box, utilizing existing technologies in innovative ways. The result is a structure that can be assembled from scratch in just four days.

Harwyn's design is a testament to the power of creativity and innovation. The decision to green-light the project was born in an instant, driven by the need to create. The Harwyn Pod is a permanent structure built from the ground up with the ability to be relocated at any time. The pods are small spaces that feel large and roomy due to intelligent design. They are typically used as home offices, music rooms, design studios, children's retreats, and meeting rooms. The use of flat reflective panels on all external surfaces allows the pods to blend nature with architecture, creating a flexible space that’s luxurious and homey.

The Harwyn Pod is a testament to the power of design and innovation, and its recognition with a Golden A' Design Award is a testament to its excellence. As Harwyn continues to push the boundaries of design, one can only anticipate what they will come up with next.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Harwyn
Image Credits: Harwyn
Project Team Members: Architect : Selwyn Blackstone Conceptual Designer : Jason Fremder
Project Name: Harwyn
Project Client: Harwyn

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